Are you old enough to drink alcohol?

Menaud Distillerie et brasserie
Cocktail - Eggnog

The classic holiday eggnog cocktail revamped with our more floral, refreshing take. Prepare a few days (or weeks, months, even years) ahead of time. The longer it ages, the more complex, silky, and rounded the flavour becomes.

oz 35% Cream
oz Elderberry liqueur
Pinch Freshly Ground Cinnamon
Pinch Freshly ground nutmeg
Star anise(s)
oz Maple syrup
oz Gin Menaud
Cocktail - Eggnog


1. Whisk all the ingredients together (or use a blender) to emulsify and incorporate the egg to the cream.

2. Pour into a small glass. Garnish with a star of anise and freshly ground nutmeg and cinnamon.